Prof McIntosh-Smith gives opening keynote at DoE Performance Portability and Productivity workshop
On April 2nd 2019 Prof. Simon McIntosh-Smith gave the opening keynote at the DoE Performance Portability and Productivity workshop in Denver, Colorado. Simon presented the latest results from the Bristol HPC group’s work to rigorously evaluate the performance portability of leading parallel programming languages and frameworks, including OpenMP 4.5, Kokkos, OpenACC, CUDA and OpenCL. Results were described across twelve different hardware platforms, spanning the latest CPUs (x86, Arm and POWER), GPUs (AMD and Nvidia), and vector machines (NEC Aurora).
This is the first study to comprehensively measure the performance portability metric recently developed by Pennycook, Sewall and Lee, on a substantial set of codes, languages and hardware platforms. They keynote presented performance portability results for a suite of five codes (BabelStream, TeaLeaf, CloverLeaf, Neutral and MiniFMM) across five parallel programming languages (OpenMP 4.5, Kokkos, OpenACC, CUDA and OpenCL) and twelve hardware platforms.
The slides from the keynote are now available.
This work is continuing, with more codes, languages and hardware platforms due to be added later this year.
Simon McIntosh-Smith, Professor of High Performance Computing, Head of the HPC Research Group, University of Bristol. Follow @simonmcs on Twitter for more news from the HPC research group in Bristol.